Optimistic future for the world and us

The article by Al Gore paints a very positive image for renewable energy. His most memorable quote from the article was “enough raw energy reaches the Earth in one hour to equal all the energy used by the entire world in one full year.” First off, it reminded me of how much actual energy we are wasting by using carbon based fuels and how we are polluting the earth with it. (These are two negatives that will never make a positive.)  Second, it is there is an alternative to fossils fuels which other nations have started to explore. This article is meant to push the U.S citizens into taking action and start focusing on the renewable energy market. Al Gore gives all these examples in Europe and Asia where countries have started to move on to solar/wind energy rather than solely depending on carbon-based energy. But the fact that we have tried, but people such as the Kochs brothers tried implementing a solar panel tax is utterly absurd. If we have the raw sunlight to produce energy, then we should use it. If our moral conscience regarding the earth’s condition doesn’t push us into switching our energy source, then money theoretically should. In addition, towards the end of the article, he started listing all the climate changes that the earth has experienced. It reminds me of the video that we watch in class – the one with fear and hope theme. But hopefully, we start acting soon rather than leave it for the last minute.


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