Not Long…

Let me just say that I really enjoyed this article, as it posed for a fresh perspective on the ongoing topic of climate change. After being shot down with Squarzoni’s seemingly infinite amount of depressing facts, it was a nice alternative to hear some hopeful thoughts. I appreciated the method with which this article was written, because they don’t neglect to mention the more negative effects of climate change, but they also pose solutions and acknowledge an optimistic yet realistic future.

One thing that stood out to me was the mind-blowing fact that there are powers out there that are blatantly opposed to the transition to renewable energy sources. There are companies and forces trying to put taxes on people that are doing the malicious act of, oh I dont know, trying to save the planet Earth. The sad part is, that it seems so ridiculous, but at the same time makes all the sense in the world. There are people that benefit from the use of and emission of carbon dioxide. There are jobs at stake. There are families that are dependent upon the very things that are destroying this world. And while I realize that there are bigger things at stake here, I also see that we’re not doing much for these people. We’re ignoring their needs because we deem them as the “bad guys” who will just have to find a way to adapt. I think that needs to change. Because in order for this to work, we need as many people to stand with us as possible. This needs to be a collective effort based on a new culture that is centered upon a common desire to make things better.


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