Woah, is it really over??

Woah is it really over… is it all actually coming to an end? This honestly feels like a came a bit too soon. Just yesterday we were discussing what climate change is… what about the other day when we were all so frustrated, disgusted and saddened by the issue?

Or the classes where we reflected on the points Squarzoni or Itaranta were trying to make? It seems like only a few days ago we were watching a jazz performance together,or gathered around the table intrigued by each others where I’m from.

One thing is for sure I have learned a lot in this class and the best part is it is about a topic that is absolutely relevant, and will continue to be relevant for a long time. I have made friends and started new connections in this class. Thinking about it now it’s kind of sad that there will be no more discussions around the table about climate change, no more posts about how I felt about an event or how it has impacted/affected me.

Now, every time I go to a museum or performance I will ask myself and the people I’m with for their interpretation. I will want to have a discussion about what the artist was trying to say, what do you think he meant? why do you think he did this?

This class has honestly taught me so much, and introduced me to things I never thought I would get to see or even do. Just a few weeks ago we screamed for climate change,

felt the calm of the tea ceremony wash over us,


we walked the Highline taking in its beauty,

we were puzzled and intrigued with the Birds with Sky mirrors performance,


giddy after Fall for Dance,

and amused by the opera!


I can’t forget the things we’ve done because I really did enjoy it. And even though I was resentful to do them at times I’m glad I did everything because I learned so much, and experienced so many new things. Now I’m here at 3:08 am in the morning feeling a bit sad and nostalgic, when did things start coming to an end? Well all I can say is Thank You Professor Perl for a lovely semester!


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