We Will Prevail
I love how Al Gore started off this article. He recognizes the fact that climate change is powerful topic and it will be difficult and dangerous to conquer. But immediately following that recognition, he states “It is now clear that we will ultimately prevail.” That’s a very boastful statement to make. The word “prevail” really makes the sentence powerful, but you really have to give credit to “clear” and “ultimately.” Basically, he’s saying that winning this global warming battle is the only option we have and is the only result that can occur.
Unlike Squarzoni’s “ruining out of time” approach, Gore just mentions that we have indeed “waited too long.” Overall, a less harsh approach, don’t you think? I know I could definitely appreciate that.
The facts that Gore presented were amazing and intriguing. My favorite one was “Enough raw energy reaches the Earth from the sun in one hour to equal all of the energy used by the entire world in a full year.” It makes me think: instead of killing the atmosphere with fossil fuels, why don’t these professionals work on an inexpensive, yet efficient way to store energy? We could easily have an excess amount of natural energy and wouldn’t have to worry about destroying our world…
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