I Don’t Know
“I don’t know…”
This phrase was repeated immensely throughout this reading and it couldn’t be more factual. How much do I really know about climate change? What is my reason for supporting a cause that is suppose to be relevant to every single person in this world? Would I be able to give others supporting facts and details on why they should join the movement on climate change? Or would I just answer with “I don’t know?” Yes, we can state those particular phrases “CO2 emissions,” “global warming,” “energy waste,” and “pollution,” but how much do we really know about these things? Even if we know a lot about a subject, there’s still a whole lot more that could be learned. Technically, we can’t be completely knowledgeable about any particular subject.
This reading also emphasizes how much we postpone establishing regulations toward climate change. We come up with master plans to fix this global warming issue, but we never actually put them into action. We act as if climate change is going to slow down itself and wait for us, but in reality it’s going to progress even more quickly. Therefore, when we’re actually ready to put that plan into action, it’s too late and needs to be altered to a greater extent.
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