Squarzoni’s Climate Change Part I

From the Intro, I get the sense that the arctic regions are the most heavily affected by the issue of climate change. Because the land there is so cold, not many urban industries can developed it successfully until now; It is in the most pure nature. However, it makes the issue of global warming more apparent because the ice caps are receding at an alarmingly fast pace and it can be recorded easily. The drastic temperature change affects all ways of live in the arctic regions and it is really terrible that industries wants to destroys the area even further for natural resources.

About the graphics, I found it interesting that the author doesn’t know how to begin or end this topic. Maybe it is a reference to how climate change is still an outgoing debate and controversy. He is starting at the very beginning – trying to place attention to the changes we are making and how much damage we are doing to this world. Therefore, maybe by taking the initial step, he has some hardship in regards to what direction he can takes this book to.

He wants to make an impact with the introduction to the graphics. But to me, the story still feels very scattered. He starts off with how to begin a story , and then transition to his childhood memories, and then to his sudden urgency and observations about the surroundings, with a slight reference to his increase attention to environmental problems, and then back to his present. To me, it represents the lack of attention that humans pay to certain aspects of life. We dedicated a few moments of our time to one thing and then probably will forget about it. I don’t really know if that is the author’s intention, but that is the feeling that I get from the first 37 pages.

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