Listening to either of the two compositions incites images and possible storylines in which the auditory support would flow with upon the expressive plane. On the sensuous plane neither of the two contained the auditory stimuli I search for or find engaging enough to listen more than once. Honestly, I don’t gravitate much towards most music in this genre, and felt slightly awkward entertaining the melodies; there is something missing or not quite captured.
Swan Lake- Tchaikovskey
There was a tragic event that is being lamented, and referred to such that it happened in the distant past and warrants remembrance in the current state of things. The anticipation is evident as to whether the sentiment is embraced or ignored. Heed is not taken, and events once again descend into tragedy.
Beethoven’s 9th Symphony First Movement
I feel the beginnings of a journey. There is an expectation of what is to come, but resignation to its process. Various situations of peril and escape ensue. The end is in sight, as usual on the metaphorical mountaintop, but reality conflicts with desired brevity. Resign to the task at hand, and be rewarded with further instances of actionable progress. The end is near finally, and one last task looms ahead, as daunting as one can imagine. Succeed ye must, ushering yourself to fruition, you realize your fate extends from your own hand as you look back upon that which you have accomplished as an indication of what is to come. Do not stand idly by, plunge into the fray!!
Tchaikovskey’s piece has many crescendos with enumerated extravagance; very hard to keep up with. Beethoven’s piece has a more grounded and structured story, leading you along the adventure.