Sunday Candy

Sunday Candy – Chance the Rapper

This song is funky and jazzy hip-hop which has gospel elements to it, and I love this song in all four of these aspects. A lot has changed since I first listened to this song. I first heard this song in my friend’s car and I fell in love with it ever since. This was my first exposure to an artist called Chance the Rapper and I did not know not much about him and his music. But now having all of his album in my iTunes and memorizing couple of songs by heart, I can say that I know little bit more about him and his song.

The song starts with Chance rapping, “she can say in her voice, in her way that she love me.” From listening to this I automatically assumed that this song is yet another song about love and realationship. However, as the song went on I realized that this is not just another ordinary song about love between two lovers, but it’s a song about love between grandma and her grandson. But even still I did not quite get the lyrics of the song that well. It was 2-3 months later when I read an article about his childhood when every part of the song started to make sense.

If I were to describe this song in terms of color, orange will be my first choice. One reason for this choice is that my grandma loves the color orange. Also, I think I’m led to picture a bright color like orange because of the gospel-like feeling that the chorus of the song gives. On top of the warm chord progression that runs throughout the song, chorus of the song is sang by a choir which brings additional warm and comforting atmosphere. When I listen to this song, I can’t stop but to bob my head and feel the music. This song brings me comfort and joy.

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