Blog Post 7 and 8

Part 1: In the judge’s monologue he is speaking about all the crime in the world and how people are committing these crimes simply to make ends meet and to have better lives. Man on Wire is also about crime but Phillipe is trying to do something grand and more art like. The kind of crime that the judge is describing is more about people just being morally bad whereas the tightrope walker is doing something artistic that also happens to be a crime.

Part 2: The judge getting both the tightrope guy and Jazzlyn and Tillie on the same day is important because the judge is Claire’s husband and this ties in another central character with other central characters. Additionally, the judge sort of feels sympathy for Jazzlyn and Tillie and the tightrope guy. For Jazzlyn and Tillie he thinks the relationship between them is a bit messed up, but he can sense the love. For the tightrope guy he doesn’t really want to put him in jail but has to for the law and to make their law system look good.

Part 3: In the prologue it is a description of what was going on as Phillipe was getting ready to walk across the tightrope and you wonder how this has anything to do with the story that follows, but then it is bridged later on during the same day that Jazzlyn and Tillie get arrested, Claire has those guests over, Solomon judges both cases, and Jazzlyn and Corrigan’s deaths as well. It was very surprising to see how these two seemingly unrelated stories would be so closely connected.

The bridge that unsettled me the most at first was Lara and Blaine being the ones that crashed into Corrigan and Jazzlyn while they were driving. It made me uncomfortable at first because it was weird to see this happen and then Lara ending up with Ciaran. That’s a pretty weird circumstance to meet a lover.

The bridge I liked the most was the one with Jaslyn being with Claire as she is dying. I saw this as being very touching because she wasn’t able to be there for Jazzlyn when she died but now she is with Claire who could resemble Jazzlyn or even Tillie.


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