Illusion of Grandeur

In the original version of “Sounds and Vision” by Bowie, there were all these different instruments that you could detect separately, but it was a bit more difficult when listening to the spinoff version by Beck. There were similar instruments and sounds used in Beck’s version, but without visuals I may not have been able to identify them. The original version of the song is a pretty standard song, nothing too special or overboard. However, the reimagined version by Beck has a sort of illusion of grandeur in it. It’s for the most part the same exact song, but adding all these other elements, parts, and the orchestra makes it appear as if it is something much more grand and what you would typically find at some sort of fancy, high class show.

The Latin Jazz performance consisted of different people playing different instruments that seemed to not have anything to do with each other. Everyone appeared to simply be solo and doing whatever they wanted to do. Yet eventually, each part came together with the others and produced something that was connected and organized, even though it originally felt like they had no relation whatsoever. Beck’s rendition of the song was very similar to this, with different parts coming in at different times, but they would all end up falling in to place and creating one unanimous sound.

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