Response to Tasmim

Tasmim, I completely understand the frustrations that come from being a perfectionist. I’ve loved arts and crafts my whole life, but I have had many times where I completely tossed a project that I worked incredibly hard on just because I made a mistake. Most people would work around the mistake or just ignore it entirely, but I was never that type of person. I always tried to make the image of the project I had in my head come to life in my work, and if I could not do that then it was not good enough. This was a constant problem I had when I was a kid until one of my teachers taught me how to incorporate my mistakes into my projects. Just as you learned to incorporate your mistakes in your henna designs, I learned that a mistake should not make my work worth any less. An example of this can be seen in the book we created together! When I was splattering the purple paint a big glob of it landed where I painted the sky, and instead of freaking out about it I cut a little piece of paper into a cloud and glued it on top. And even with my mistake, we still created a great looking book ;).

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