A great article pertaining to last week’s class

Hey Guys

I was reading an article recently that reminded me of the discussion we had last week pertaining to the value of the undergrad degree. We talked about how the importance of the degree is strictly related to a social requirement more than anything else.

Decades ago, a high school diploma had a great amount of value and a undergrad degree was considered special by some since everyone did not pursue it. Flash forward to now and ironically, there are some that choose not to pursue the undergrad degree. Nowadays, students are encouraged to not finish their undergrad education and drop out only to start working for tech companies like Google and Facebook. They are even paid highly in incentives to make sure they work for certain companies. All this does is undermine the value of the undergrad degree as something that binds students for 4 or more years.

Interestingly, we still have people who do not choose to pursue the undergrad degree today, but not because of how difficult and prestigious the degree is but more-so the opposite.


2 thoughts on “A great article pertaining to last week’s class

  1. I think this is a really interesting article. However, I think that these are almost exceptions to the rule. Yes, there are students who are dropping out to start up businesses, but I believe this is more directed towards students in specific fields such as computer technologies or engineering. For students in other fields, such as the sciences (medical), law students, and most liberal arts students, there is not really an option to drop out, as the opportunities for startups lay more in the technological industries.
    It’s interesting though, the value a degree holds in today’s world. It’s almost as if a piece of paper could be your key to success, but even then there is still struggle to succeed. There seems to be a standard that everyone must go to college, but college is simply not for everyone. I think many kids go to college because they feel they have to, and in four years they come out of college with student loans, do not know what to do with their lives, and end up attending a trade school. Is the standard of college a good standard to have? Maybe for some, but maybe not for all.

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