Clinton on DREAMers

I thought this NPR piece showed a pretty shocking view of Hillary. As the presidential race gears up and more and more GOP candidates announce their campaigns, Hillary faces more pressure to flesh out her stance on contentious issues. She’s garnered some criticism for being a corporate sellout, but its interesting that she’s even more liberal than Obama when it comes to illegal immigration. I’m excited to see the change in immigration policy, and hopefully we can provide a safe environment for people who have already been an integral part of this country, but lack documentation.

3 thoughts on “Clinton on DREAMers

  1. I was actually surprised to typically centerist Hillary come out in favor of very liberal immigration policies, however like the piece notes, a photo op and some promises don’t mean very much in the scheme of things. I would try and be optimistic about Hillary intentions (that it isn’t simply about drawing in the key Latino voting block), but that just seems a bit naive.

  2. What a great article Mark! I agree with you, and am hopeful yet excited, and optimistic as Claire mentions, that there will be a change in immigration policy. It’s definitely an issue that needs to be addressed, and people who were brought here illegal without their control (mainly children) deserve to have the right to become citizens. The question remains of how a divided Congress will take to new immigration policies, especially more liberal ones, as we have seen their discontent with previous ones presented to them in the past.

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