Conversations On The High Line, for solo piano

Conversations On The High Line

Link to Piece:

John W. Cleary

Performance Notes

This piece is meant to be accompanied by a recording of the Highline Park in New York City. The domain for the recording is free, but should include the “bits” of conversations from passing groups or individuals. The music should be of equal volume to the recording, almost to emulate a street performer in his environment. The recording should precede and continue after the piano for about 30 seconds, as if the piano is being inserted into the environment.

This piece lacks structure and form. Although notated in meter, the piece is meant to taken completely out of time. Dynamics should match the contour of the piano line as well as the volume of the accompanying recording. All chords and runs in the piece should be articulated in quick, yet emotional, “sweeps.” Ideally, the Pianist should take the recording himself, in order to experience the beauty of this setting, and accurately portray it in the piece.

– John W. Cleary 2011