The High Line: NYC’s Curious Garden

What follows is a video I created for my High Line project. It discusses the history of the freight line and how a few visitors heard about The High Line. Enjoy, and please comment!

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About Daniel

Daniel is a graduate of CUNY Macaulay Honors College at Brooklyn College, summa cum laude with a B.A. in Film Production and TV/Radio. He can be reached via his website, The Utopia of Daniel was his college blog and he has since transitioned to posting on other sites.

One thought on “The High Line: NYC’s Curious Garden

  1. Great video! I loved the use of interviews – I hadn’t even thought of asking visitors why they had come to the High Line. It certainly is an interesting question, especially because no two answers are exactly alike. It amazes me how many people come from around the world to see New York City, and end up seeing and learning more than most New Yorkers do! Few take advantage of the fact that we live in one of the best cities in the world. I’m glad you appreciate all that the city has to offer as much as I do. 🙂

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