Why do I need glasses?

Greetings! I feel inspired to write this post for a couple of reasons. For one, I’ve had recent conversations with a number of my friends concerning the wearing of glasses–some of them don’t want to wear them because they “look bad” or because they don’t want to look “nerdy”, while others just think that their vision is “good enough.” Regardless, the eye is a fascinating organ, and the reason for glasses is something many people don’t actually understand. And personally, I like wearing glasses…they make me look smart, and my visual ego will take all the stroking it can receive.

Anyway, to understand the eye, one must know about the (arguably) exciting branch of physics known as Optics. Optics deals with light–its properties, behavior, etc.–and since the eye is just a light sensitive organ, the two go hand in hand. The eye is actually like a camera for our brain. Light passes through a lens located at the front of the eye, and (ideally) converges the incoming light at the retina. The retina serves the same purpose as the film of a camera (or for a digital camera, a CCD chip): light hits the retina, creating a 2D version of the world around us, which cause electrical impulses to be sent to the brain via the optic nerve. The brain interprets those impulses and creates the world that we see. With one eye, it would look just like a camera’s image, with the depth being inferred by our knowledge of the world, but not actually seen visibly in the photograph. However, because we have two eyes, our brain is constantly receiving two different images at slightly different angles, and can interpret the two to create a 3D world. Thus, people with one eye, or who cover one eye long enough time will have severe problems with depth perception (so stop blaming your bad driving on your terrible depth perception–you have no excuse!).

All lenses, including those in your eye, bend light in ways depending on the shape. The lenses in your eye are convex, shaped a little like a small cigar. Convex lenses, also known as converging lenses, take incoming light and converge it at what’s known as a focal point, the place where all light beams meet. It is at this focal point that a focused image is created. If you look at an object through a converging lens, unless the image screen is placed at the focal point, the picture created will be blurry. We’re now approaching how you explain Myopia (nearsightedness) and Hyperopia (farsightedness). The lens of the eye has to converge light from the world onto your retina. It cannot focus the entire world at once (it’s easy to notice when you focus on a far away object, and then immediately focus on, say, your hand–your eye has to increase its focusing power to see your hand clearly), and so the eye adjusts the lens to allow you to focus on that which you are looking at. However, sometimes, it is unable to focus on either close objects (Hyperopia) or far away objects (Myopia). If the eye’s lens is unable to focus the light on your retina, the images become blurry. In the case of farsightedness, you cannot focus on nearby objects, because when you try to, the image converges behind your retina. So how do you correct it? You wear glasses, or “corrective lenses”–these lenses are converging, and shift the focal point to your retina.

So that explains farsightedness and its corrective lens solution…but what about nearsightedness? Well, people with Myopia have the opposite problem–when trying to focus on far away objects, the focal point of the lens falls short of the retina, and needs to be shifted backwards. This is done using a concave or diverging lens. This type of lens is shaped like an hourglass, and causes light beams to be scattered away from each other. Then, the light beams get converged by the eye’s lens, and voila, the focal point is pushed back onto the retina. Focused images!


And so, I have (hopefully) demonstrated the cause of bad eyesight, and why glasses are a necessity for many people. Of course, contact lenses work too, it’s just that they are directly on top of the eye, hence contact lenses. The correction without sacrificing the “cool.” I don’t know, I’m a four-eyes and proud of it. So if you have bad eyesight, please get some glasses! I’m looking at you, my nameless friends.

Before I go, I want to shamelessly plug my friend’s blog. A while back, my good buddy Alexandra Greenbaum wrote a guest entry about building a science comic. Well, she has been inspired by me and our other good buddy Vivienne Baldassare to create her own blog, entitled All of the Above. This blog is all sorts of awesome, and I encourage all scientifically minded readers to bookmark her blog for further reading! She’s also got some great cartoons and is likely to update more often than me, so yeah, check it out!

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Because We All Knew This Blog Would Need Some Potty Humor

Hello, my science junkies! So sorry for the long hiatus–things have been pretty busy for me. In fact, they still are, so I’m going to rely on something I was alerted to by NPR for an interesting story that involves something we all love (and hate) to discuss–the bathroom. We all knew this day would come, so let’s just get it over with.

A new study funded partly by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute looked into the types of bacteria living in a public restroom. Their target–restrooms at the University of Colorado at Boulder. Well…you can imagine all the wonderful findings they came out with! They were able to identify 19 phyla of bacteria just by swabbing a dozen bathrooms on campus. These bacteria were found on practically every surface you can name in a bathroom–ranging from the toilet, to the soap dispenser (ironic, right), to the floor and handles. I’m not sure if they tried swabbing the ceiling for bacteria but it seems like at the rate they were going, I wouldn’t be surprised to find some tuberculosis coming out of the vents (is tuberculosis caused by a bacterium? Maybe I should look that up.).

Researchers found that there were 3 major bacterial communities taking residence in the loo, and they cluster by general location. These locations are the floor, the toilet area, and the handles and appliances you touch with your hands. Not surprisingly, it would seem that most of the bacteria around the toilet comes from fecal matter and urine. Oh yeah. The bacteria on the floor were typically associated with living in the soil, so they were probably brought in when you stepped in the dirt and ran around the bathroom screaming, “Look at me, no hands!” Sorry, that might have been uncalled for. And of course, skin associated bacteria were found clustering on the things in the bathroom you touch. So not only do you have to wash your hands, but you have to be careful not to put the bacteria all back on your hands before you leave the potty. Talk about the need for major sanitizer.

While reading the study, I found a pretty funny quote. It reads, “Interestingly, some of the toilet flush handles harbored bacterial communities similar to those found on the floor, suggesting that some users of these toilets may operate the handle with a foot (a practice well known to germaphobes and those who have had the misfortune of using restrooms that are less than sanitary).” Can’t say I’ve done that before…but after reading this study, I may feel more compelled to.

There are some really funny and disgustingly eye-opening graphs in this paper that are worth a gander. I seriously enjoyed myself, but that may be because I’m a typical male pig who spent his childhood laughing at the word doody. In fact, I just recently bought my friend the game doody head. But I digress.

In their study, nobody is safe from blame. The study notes that it was done in a University, where students are notoriously bad at cleaning their hands (and typically don’t even bother). But don’t go pointing the finger at men–in the women’s bathroom, urine played a significant role in the bacteria found throughout the room, which implies a lack of hygiene while on the toilet, and that they weren’t always washing their hands. So in general, we all have to do a better job at cleaning ourselves when emptying the tank.

I may not be able to explain just why these researchers thought this study was a great idea, but hey, it certainly entertained me. Hope it entertains you as well. Hopefully I’ll get you a less doody-filled update soon!

Posted in Biology, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , | 7 Comments

Casimir Effect

This entry is going to be on a fascinating quantum physics effect, that until recently was just theory. There’s some intense physics going on here, but I’m going to do my best to keep you guys along (I’m not all that great with quantum mechanics either, so don’t worry if you find this stuff a little intimidating—we all have trouble grappling with this stuff. But it’s totally worth it when you realize how awesome it is). I write this entry in honor of being sent this article: http://www.nature.com/news/2011/110603/full/news.2011.346.html

A quick refresher for all of you: quantum mechanics is the study of the microscopic world, which to a physicist, means things like atoms and individual particles. The world of particles is really crazy; things become governed not necessarily by what we observe, but by the probability of what we could observe. However, for this entry, this isn’t all that important to remember. Instead, there is one effect of quantum theory that you DO need to keep in mind. Physicists believe that empty space, or a vacuum, is actually not completely empty. Instead, there are numerous particles, called virtual particles, that can pop in and out of existence on extremely small time scales. These virtual particles always exist in a pair, one being the “normal” particle and the other being an “antiparticle”, which are identical in size but opposite in charge. These then come together so fast and annihilate each other that they can barely even be said to exist. Pretty crazy, huh?

The Casimir effect is something that takes advantage of this idea, but in a fascinating way. Take two mirrors and place them very close together in a vacuum. The concept is that if these mirrors are close enough together, only so many virtual particles (e.g. virtual photons, or particles of light) can exist between the two mirrors. Then, since there are more particles on the outside of the mirrors than there are on the inside, you end up with a force that pushes the mirrors together. This force is called the Casimir Force, and it is a way for scientists to prove the existence of these virtual photons.


In the experiment mentioned in the article, the scientists were looking for something very similar to this. The theory states that if you have a single mirror plate, moving very fast, you can essentially absorb the energy in the virtual photons with the plates surface, and then re-emit them as real photons! Remember that in physics, particles such as those that make up the mirror’s surface can absorb photons and get “excited”. After some time (often a very short time), the particles on the surface will emit the same photon away, and stop being in the “excited” state. So the idea is the same here, except instead it is absorbing the virtual photons instead of “real” ones, and then when the mirror re-emits it, it doesn’t annihilate with an anti-photon, and so it becomes what we call a real photon. So to an observer, it will appear like the mirror has created light out of nothing!


The scientists used a super-conducting circuit that acted essentially like a mirror, and were able to wiggle it at roughly 5% the speed of light, using a magnetic field. This effectively created the effect to occur; out of a particle “vacuum”, they produced microwave photons!

The application for this is not very clear, but it is still a fascinating result. A lot of the physics predicted by quantum mechanics always seems weird and not intuitive, and yet all over the place we see more and more evidence for it to be fact. And so, yet another interesting theory proven in the laboratory. If you are a lot more scientifically literate than most, you can read the scientific paper released on the site I mentioned above. If you have any questions or comments, please leave them! Until next time.

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Mars and the Moon

Hi everyone! I’d be updating more often (it’s the summer after all), but I’m doing an astronomy research REU at Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff. So my time has been taken up (as usual) by science. Still, I didn’t want to leave y’all hanging. So I wanted to clear something up I’ve heard a lot.

Many people have asked/told me, including various family members of mine, if/that Mars will be so close to the Earth that it will appear as large as the Moon in the sky. Even after I get taken aback by the comment, and say otherwise, some INSIST that it will be the case. I’m not 100% sure where this rumor gets started, but it will never happen. I came across this Tree Lobsters comic that perfectly illustrates my point:


So before you start believing that this will happen, remember what you’ve just seen. Mars is awesome, and is sometimes closer to Earth than at other times. But it will always appear as a dot on the sky. To see it as the size of the Moon, you will need a telescope. Sorry.

I know, I know, this is kind of a cop-out post. But I’m working on a legitimate post soon on a quantum mechanics experiment with an awesome result. Stay tuned!

EDIT: I just received an email from my advisor with a post made by Neil Tyson last summer about this very issue, further emphasizing this point:


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