
the art of music

The most prominent art form in my life is music. Being raised in a Spanish home amidst a white neighborhood played a large role in my music taste. I would hear salsa and merengue playing every night while my mom cooked, but still learned about American classic rock and listened to anything spanning in between those two opposites. I can honestly say I give any type of music a chance. That is not to say that I like EVERYTHING within the different groups, but that I don't like to discriminate based on genre or artist.


 Capturing an image of a place where you feel comfortable, at home, and shows a piece of you is a difficult task. All these feelings, while real in the heart of the photographer, are intangible, things not so easily captured in a photograph. Me, being inexperienced as a photographer, found this especially hard. Despite the difficulty, this assignment was one of my favorites.

Being a photographer

 I wanted to comment on the physicality of actually taking a photograph and being successful at it.  During my Snapshot experience, I found that it was not only pretty hard to pick a subject, but to be able to capture it artistically was a whole different story. I felt a little inapt as I was capturing photographs, because I didn't know how to make them look "artsy" and interesting. Watching others present their photographs on Wednesday in class definitely gave me more of a sense of how a photographer makes a piece of art out of its subject.

"Home", not your Neighborhood

 When our IDC class was given the "Snapshot NYC" assignment, I was curious to see how it would play out. I thought it was an intriguing idea that we could have an assignment that was supposed to portray our neighborhood, be about something else completely, that still spoke of "home" to you. It took me some time to figure out what it was that I was trying to capture; a flower, an ornate object, the water, what was there in NYC that spoke of the "ideal" neighborhood to me. I was surprised upon my findings, actually.

My Neighborhood

 I'll have to admit that the Snapshot 2009 assignment was probably the most unique assignment that I have had to do throughout my years in school. Going out and taking pictures of "my neighborhood" on a specific day wasn't really the most normal thing to do. However, it wasn't as bad as it sounded. First I went to the local park 2 blocks away from my house. I took a photo at the corner across the street from the park because Booth Memorial (one of the busiest intersections near my house), was right along the park.

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