

Living in New York City, we are really fortunate to able to see so many different cultural practices and traditions and diversity at large.

Carnegie Hall: Ancient Paths-Modern Voices

Entering Carnegie Hall for my first time, I was thrilled to hear music specifically related to my culture. I was able to recount my personal experience from hearing the same types of music such as the gongs used in the fourth performance, Parade for Six Peking Opera Gongs, because my grandmother use to do Chinese Operas. However, the difference with this Opera performance with the traditional Chinese Opera is the actual acting out, the singing, and traditional instruments used, which is extremely hard to follow and understand.

Patty's picture

power of words

I took this photo in Union Square. A group of people brought bunch of letters and made

others participee in froming words out of them.

I think it goes well with this blog entry- power of words.


whitney.porter's picture

How Artwork Blends into the City

Fair at Madison Square Park!!!!

This past Thursday I had three hours to kill before class. It was such a beautiful day that I decided to go to Madison Square Park and get some work done. As I walked over to the park from my bus stop I saw all of these little tiny booths set up along the street. As I got closer I saw that a little marketplace was set up around the park. Different people set up booths and were selling all of this really cool merchandise. A lot of the stuff for sale were things these people created. I walked around and saw a bunch of cool things. One woman had handbags made from candy wrappers.

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