
whitney.porter's picture

Response to O'Connor's Reading

I was completely captivated by Joseph O'Connor's readings tonight! I loved how his writing style combined such clear and concise language with beautiful vocabulary and vivid imagery. Each piece he recited really hit me. This was another speaker that was not difficult to stay attentive to. His smooth presentation and incredible work made the event go by quickly and enjoyably. I simply loved the poem that O'Connor wrote about Baruch. It just spoke to me so much! I loved how he painted such an incredibly lively and unique picture of the environment that is our campus.

whitney.porter's picture

An Eclectic Mess of Artwork


 Capturing an image of a place where you feel comfortable, at home, and shows a piece of you is a difficult task. All these feelings, while real in the heart of the photographer, are intangible, things not so easily captured in a photograph. Me, being inexperienced as a photographer, found this especially hard. Despite the difficulty, this assignment was one of my favorites.

Patty's picture

The enrgy within us

whitney.porter's picture

Frosting as an Artistic Medium


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