
Final Thoughts on Fall For Dance

  Now that we are wrapping up on our discussion of dance, I thought I would share my final thoughts on this art form and the Fall For Dance Festival at the New York City Center. Unlike most of my fellow peers, I have never been to museum exhibits, theatre and dance performances, and concerts. I am the New Yorker who lacked New York culture, and IDC has allowed me to gain a sense of the culture of New York.

snapshot NYC


Macaulay Snapshot NYC

           Last weekend I wiped the dust of my camera and went outside with it for the first time in long time. I'm not one of those people that constantly carry their camera with them and take pictures of everything they see. Macaulay Honors College required all the student from the graduating year of 2013 to take a photo of our neighborhood and it turned out to be a "cool" requirement.

Mishkin Gallery

          We just completed our "amazing" IDC papers and thought I would reflect on the Mishkin Gallery visit in a less formal manner since I have not done so. Although the gallery was small, compared to the International Center of Photography, there were some photos that I really enjoyed. My favorite, which is the one I wrote about, simply captured my attention because of the beautiful landscape.

Camera Lucida Part II

          Part II of Camera Lucida turned my understanding completely around. The first part concluded with a discussion of a number of photographs and the elements of photography such as studium, punctum, referent as well as the ideas on ontology and semiotics. Part two focuses on other ideas like the "winter garden photograph". In the second part of the book Barthes says "painting can feign reality" while photography can not because a photograph involves something "that has been".

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