"The stage craft of wild beasts ..."

A woman walks across the stage, painfully slow. Her skin is a stark, pale white that is characteristic of ghosts. The sound of her footsteps echoes throughout the theater, creating an ominous allusion that she is walking to her death. But she instead ends up at a dinner table, along with an innocent young woman, a sullen old man, a salacious boy, and a conflicted gentleman. The old man wields a gun, using it to shoot the indecent boy that sits across from him at the table, his young counterpart.

Museum of Art and Design: Slash!



"Cancer mon amour"

 When I left the Harvey theater after seeing Quartett, my emotions were of a mixed miriad. I didn't really know what to think and how to possibly start dissecting the many frustrating aspects of Quartett. This was the general response form my peers as well, in face, no one knew how to interpret or understand what they had just seen. There was just no fluidity or cohesion between any of the many theatrical parts we had just seen thrown together on stage. 

Back to the MOMA : Demoiselles d'Avignon

The enormous painting of Demoiselles d'Avignon is I must say, quite odd. I still ponder why the first image that automatically came to mind when I saw the painting was cavemen. I think it may be the chalky browns, deep reds, and blues that make me think of a much older time period. The painting did not remind me of a happy time period either. I cannot say that it exactly portrays sadness, but I did not feel good inside when viewing this piece of art.

Mel Kendrick's "Markers"

New York sculptor Mel Kendrick's 5 10 foot plus stone sculptors are in Madison Square Park, just a 2 minute walk from Baruch. I am pretty tired of saying this but.. I have no idea what to make of this. There are 5 big stone sculptors, alternating black and white, different, unconventional shapes, smack dab in the middle of Madison Square Park. After reading a bit about his style, all I can make of this is that he made a bunch of grooves and cuts, and cut out pieces to have a bunch of shapes.

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