String Quartett

To say the truth, the Alexander String Quartet was nothing special to me. It was just another musical performance that I went to go see. Throughout my life, I have been going to many musical concerts, especially strings. I played violin in elementary, middle and high school. I know exactly what is going on during the concerts and I can really relate to the way that each piece if being played. Despite my incapability of playing as well as them, the concept remains the same. Aside from the negativity, I do have some positive things to say about the concert.

Alexander String Quartet

I thought the Alexander String Quartet concert was pretty good, even if the acoustics were poor. (Concrete isn't a good material for the walls of a concert hall.) I haven't heard many live Mendelson or Schumann quartets, or much Mendelson or Schumann at all in a concert hall, so seeing this was certainly different from the more odd avant-garde plays and concerts that we've been going to. However, I was surprised and somewhat disappointed that the concert was only an hour and fifteen minutes long, but I guess it has to be short since tonight is a school night.

Asia Night at Fordham College at Lincoln Center

This past Friday, my friend invited me to attend an event called Asia Night at her school, Fordham University. The event was organized by APAC (the Asian Pacific American Coalition). My friend was the opening act, so I was even more excited about seeing the performance. The night was filled with awesome vocal and dance performances by students and professional singers and dancers. It was a great evening.

Quartett at the BAM Harvey Theater

Seeing the Quartett was definitly a one-of-a-kind experience. The BAM Harvey Theater bred a new kind of atmosphere. The building was faded, but it added to the theatrical sense. Being seated high up, we were able to witness everything pretty clearly. I had a hard time trying to see who was speaking though. The subtitles that were put on the tv screen did help alot.

Sex and Innocence: another stab at Quartet

       After reading Jerrica's blog entry on Quartet, I decided to give the analysis of this play another shot. What particularly struck me about Jerrica's insight of the play was its attention to sexuality and innocence. Why are the two so closely correlated? Is this idea founded in religion? Why is sex an ungodly act? To say it is sinful is not sufficient. Does sex provide us with revelations about the power of man and not god? In Quartet, the text was very centered on how innocence ruined sexuality. Being innocent was being one step closer to hell.

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