MOMA: Demoiselles d'Avignon

           Last Saturday I visited the Museum of Modern Art with a friend from high school to see the Demoiselles d'Avignon. I have to admit, I don't usually go to museums and artistic events with this friend so this was a new experience for the both of us. I did not have too much time to spend so I did not have the chance to see some of the other fascinating things that I passed on my way to Demoiselles d'Avignon. However, it was very fortunate knowing that we would return with our class to discuss some other paintings.

Alexander String Quartet


MOMA trip

 My second trip to the MOMA today was more enlightening then the last since I realized the necessity of having background information. Previously I had passed by the Picasso painting of Ma Jolie while not believing it to be such a masterpiece. However, today when we stood before it and analyzed how it actually represented a woman playing a guitar, I appreciated the art more extensively. Professor Bergman revealed how Picasso had stripped the woman and guitar into dispersed fragments. Hence, to view the subject one had to piece together the parts through deep concentration.

Alexander String Quartet @ BPAC

On Monday, November 16th the Alexander String Quartet was playing at Baruch's Performing Arts Center and the Guest artist was the viola player. They played Felix Mendelssohn's String Quartet in A minor and String Quintet in B-flat major and Robert Schumann's String Quartet in A minor.  There were four musicians who played together throughout the entire concert. 

Hard Nut paper Introduction for Professor Bergman


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