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The Arts in New York City

CCNY/MHC Class of 2011

The Arts in New York City header image 2


November 10th, 2007 · No Comments

I’ve gone to the Guggenheim Museum so my expectations don’t comprise too much shock in that I have experienced visual art before. However, seeing as how I had been exposed to only a select number of artists, such as Pollack (think random), I still am a little concerned as to how I will decipher visual art. I’m not worried about getting the “wrong” interpretation, because to me art communicates to you personally; every person will find something different in that work of art. However, I’m worried in that I hope I don’t completely miss the point the artist is trying to make, as Professor Drabik mentioned in class.

Nevertheless, I’m still excited about what we’ll see! As an architecture major, I am definitely looking forward to the 3d aspect of art (sculpture) even more :)


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