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THE ARTS IN NEW YORK CITY » Blog Archive » Asia Society and Zhang Huan

Asia Society and Zhang Huan

First off I will start by saying that unlike most of the rest of the class, I did not really like the performance art of Zhang Huan that was done in the United States. I felt of all the work that we were able to see, these pieces had the least connection to the observer/audience. I know that other people have a differing opinion, but I feel that these selections focused more on a political statement than on connecting with people observing them. I know that some people find this a better focal point for a work of art, however personally I find more value in a work of art if it has a link that makes people emote and feel something stronger than if it is merely a statement or observation of someone’s views or actions. I believe that in order for the experience of the art to be more effective there has to be something else that draws the observer/audience in, the aforementioned connection. I did not feel this way about the performances done in China or the visual art that has been done recently in China. I felt that the performance pieces in China had a more tangible relation to the audience in the fact that it was an experience that they had a part in. The audience can use the public litrine that his first performance was in, the audience experienced a world when the raised the altitude of a mountain by a meter and can even recreate the same experience, the audience can actually displace liquid the same way the workers did with Zhang Huan. I know that some people felt this same way with the pieces that were performed in the United States, but for me it was not there. The pieces in the United States to me felt like mere commentary, like something that was to be thought about and reflected upon, but not anything that actually included the observers in the process or action.

However, I did especially like the visual art done in Zhang Huan’s recent residence in China. These pieces I feel connected with the audience on the level of stressing the importance of history and culture. The memory doors and Buddhist pieces really bring forth the past and history of the country, reminding us that this is what makes us who we are, the people that came before us. I enjoyed these pieces, because it stimulated my mind and emotions to think about what the Cultural Revolution meant for the people who went through it and how it effected the people alive in the country today. Also, the Buddhist pieces emphasized the strong and important role that religion plays on culture and the individual. Even though I am not a Buddhist I still felt a religious connection to the pieces and respected them for the sacred subject matter. To me these pieces provided that emotional connection and mental stimulation that I seek when experiencing a piece of art, not just the fact that I am observing the art for the sake of observing it.

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One Response to “Asia Society and Zhang Huan”

  1. esaberkhiabani Says:

    Although in my post, I did not touch on Zhang Huan’s visual art, I thought it was one of the best work that he has turned out. I especially loved the large Buddhist head for the exact reason that you described: I felt an emotional connection and mental stimulation when observing and experiencing it, and other pieces like it. I agree with your opinion on the role of art — that it’s supposed to relate to the audience as opposed to merely passing a commentary on the artist’s view.

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