November 2, 2012, Friday, 306


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The Photos of Hebron SDA Church

This page is for the pictures that detail Hebron's past and present. It shows the progress the church has made as well as the different activities that they have done and continue to do.

Baptismin the Hebron SDA Church.
Baptismin the Hebron SDA Church.
Baby Dedication done by Pastor Bermingham in the Hebron SDA Church.
Baby Dedication done by Pastor Bermingham in the Hebron SDA Church.
The Death of Pastor Bermingham.
The Death of Pastor Bermingham.
976 Prospect Place. This is where the Hebron SDA Church was orginally formed by a few Haitians who felt the need to have a place to worship.
976 Prospect Place. This is where the Hebron SDA Church was orginally formed by a few Haitians who felt the need to have a place to worship.
976 Prospect Place. This is the 100th birthday of the woman sitting in the middle. The women around her are all in their nineties and have been attending Hebron SDA Church since their teens.
976 Prospect Place. This is the 100th birthday of the woman sitting in the middle. The women around her are all in their nineties and have been attending Hebron SDA Church since their teens.
Inside the Hebron SDA Church, where the influene of the Byzantine Era is apparent.
Inside the Hebron SDA Church, where the influene of the Byzantine Era is apparent.
Inside the Hebron SDA Church, an organ that has been unused since the early 1900s lies there because the parts to fix it are not made anymore.
Inside the Hebron SDA Church, an organ that has been unused since the early 1900s lies there because the parts to fix it are not made anymore.
The Pathfinders Club is still a popular club to this day. This activity teaches teens about survival and faith with excercises such as swimming,tying knots,drill team, and so on.
The Pathfinders Club is still a popular club to this day. This activity teaches teens about survival and faith with excercises such as swimming,tying knots,drill team, and so on.
In the 1980s, Hebron Church had the best youth choir with over 100 voices there. A lot of the present-day members are still there as well.
In the 1980s, Hebron Church had the best youth choir with over 100 voices there. A lot of the present-day members are still there as well.
Present-day Diaconat club singing in the choir on Diaconat Day.
Present-day Diaconat club singing in the choir on Diaconat Day.
In the 1980s, Hebron Church had the best youth choir with over 100 voices there. A lot of the present-day members are still there as well.
In the 1980s, Hebron Church had the best youth choir with over 100 voices there. A lot of the present-day members are still there as well.
Health Day in the Hebron SDA Church. Pasteur Honore and Doctor with the Health Deparment with them.
Health Day in the Hebron SDA Church. Pasteur Honore and Doctor with the Health Deparment with them.
Wedding day in the Hebron SDA Church. Couple is getting ready to cut the cake.
Wedding day in the Hebron SDA Church. Couple is getting ready to cut the cake.