My Semester in London

Category: Traveling

Is Studying Abroad in London a Good Idea?

Like everything, there are pros and cons, but in this case, I strongly encourage everyone to study abroad. Especially, if you go without knowing anyone, it gives you a good sense of independence and a better understanding of yourself and how culture has shaped your life. Additionally, it opens your mind to being more receptive to different ideas  and allows you to question your own society and way of living. Of course there are times that are difficult and challenging, but in the end it’s worth it.

In regards to studying abroad IN London, my views are more complicated. There are some downsides to studying in London, because it is such a metropolitan city, you do not always notice the cultural differences: cities tend to be similar. When I went to London I was expecting things to look ‘English,’ but you only get that feel from smaller towns like Bath or Dover. Finally, in England, since I already knew English, I didn’t have the opportunity to learn a new language.

However, London is also great because they speak English,  allowing you to really get to know locals and discover the more minute differences between cultures. It also has incredibly cheap flights to the rest of Europe, giving students the opportunity to explore  many different cultures throughout their time abroad. Additionally, London is really diverse, making it easy to meet so many different types of people. Finally, there is so much to do in London, from the free museums, parks, castles, and pubs.

I am thankful I studied abroad and glad I got to know such a cool city with great people.






Global Citizens?

In my diplomacy class, we often discuss whether diplomacy will cease to exist. One reason, is because of the different ways countries are now able to communicate with one another like non governmental organizations such as the EU. Part of the idea of the EU is to unite countries, creating less boundaries and bringing the world closer to this idea of having people transcend nationalities to become global citizens.

The more I think about this idea the less I believe it is possible. People enjoy sovereignty and still are extremely patriotic, valuing their own views over others. Glimpses of this idea can be seen through the attempt of the Scottish referendum, the  ongoings in Catalonia (Barcelona and surrounding areas). This idea was reinforced and challenged during my weekend trip to Berlin. Berlin is often known for its part during the cold war. One city torn apart for the sake of a preferred ruling system and power.  This is a motif represented throughout the city through the many pieces of the wall still remaining. However, Berlin as a modern city today is quite different. There are people from all over the world who gather in Berlin because of its wealth of alternative culture, art, and music. While these people have yet to transcend state lines, my weekend in Berlin made it evident that a united world still may be achieved through a mix of alternative culture.

Adventures Abroad

It’s been too long so, I want to bring you up to speed. Because London is THE metropolitan city of Europe, you can get cheap flights to almost anywhere in Europe. Which means, within two hours I could casually meet up with my friend from back home in Barcelona for the weekend. It was great seeing a familiar face and a new place. (Also, got to see Madrid and Toledo).

bikesWhile on a traveling high, within the following weeks, I went to Stonehenge, Bath, Harry Potter Studios, and Cardif (Wales). I will hopefully do a little more traveling while I am here. You know what they say… I actually have no idea, but I assume someone once said, “when in Europe, travel Europe”
