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Category — Podcasts and Videos

Myachi Bloopers! By: Ariella, Sarah, Masha, and Linda

November 18, 2009   Comments Off on Myachi Bloopers! By: Ariella, Sarah, Masha, and Linda

Justin Koyithara: ESPN Zone


*Unfortunately most of the pictures are from the internet because i didnt go there thinking I was going to do my blurb on it.
**Background music is the ESPN Sportscenter theme song

November 18, 2009   3 Comments



November 18, 2009   7 Comments

Daxin’s Blurb


Over the weekend, I went to the Sexy Sunday hosted in Peachfrog, a highly recommended outlet in Williamsburg. They had it once during the Fashion’s Week two months ago and this Sunday was an extension to that event. This brought back the sweet memories of the Fashion’s Night Out, which I decided to blurb about.
On September 10th, 2009, Shelley and I went on a tough journey exploring all these luxurious stores on Fifth Ave. It was exhausting but so much fun. We went to Saks Fifth Ave, Gucci, Macy’s, Barney’s, Lord and Taylor. It opened our eyes to the fashion world that we were not aware of—fashion is the art of wearing art on one’s self. The most interesting experience that I had was knitting on the main floor of Barney’s New York. Wool and the Gang was the brand that presented this project. Customers were welcomed to sit down and learn how to knit. The pieces that we produced would eventually be collected and put together into a giant blanket that would be exhibited in the 9/11 Memorial and Museum. I was terrible at knitting even after I was taught three times. This was what I produced and this was what it supposed to be. What a shame. Anyways, it felt good when I got to participate in the making of art. I know very well that “in fashion, one day you’re in, the next you’re out.” But I am glad that I had a glimpse of the inside of it in the Fashion’s night out.

November 18, 2009   2 Comments

Erotic Broadway

Erotic Broadway. Even the name suggests that the show is going to be something different from the generic song and dance of the mainstream shows. When you enter the venue, a small, two-tiered cabaret-styled theatre, you automatically get the feeling that you’ve been whisked away to a burlesque in the early twenties. And from the first dance, “Friction,” performed by Mark Eckstein and Adealani Malia, you know that you are going to be in for an exciting night. There is laughing and hooting all through every act as the performers perform sensual dances, songs, and improvisations that are over the top in every way.
Erotic Broadway is set up like a cabaret, which means that the acts performed aren’t continuous in terms of a storyline, but simply move along act-by-act, showcasing different talents of the actors. When Mistress B took the stage to perform her show-stopping, drag-queen act called “I never do anything twice,” the entire audience was falling off of their chairs in laughter and disbelief. The content was shocking, but the talent was Broadway-worthy as everyone in the cast had either an amazing voice or some of the most amazing dance skills I had ever seen. Erotic Broadway at the Triad Theatre on 72nd street is an absolutely worthwhile evening for anyone who enjoys a good laugh.

November 18, 2009   2 Comments

My Plastic Heart NYC


My Plastic Heart NYC is a toy store and a gallery. Every two month, it holds a different exhibit. Most of their exhibitions relate to the world of cartoon. The current display is called Adrift, which is a duo exhibit of two artists Scott Campbell and Leontine Greenberg. The exhibit mainly focuses on the idea of adventure in the air. Both artists drew various creatures whose purpose is to take it’s viewers on an adventure to a world unknown to humans. Both artists mainly used watercolor for their paintings, but one can spot the different techniques that each artists uses. Leontine Greenberg’s paintings mainly focused on light colors and animals to guide the journey, while Scott Campbell uses mainly dark colors and clouds as his adventure in the air. Even with the differences, both paintings bring their viewers on a unique journey in the skies accompanying by clouds and creature. However viewing these adventures may be free, but purchasing even one will hurt one’s wallet. I guess all adventures and vacations are expensive.

November 18, 2009   4 Comments

Blurb 3: Finian’s Rainbow=))


I went to see the revival of Finian’s rainbow on Broadway that just opened October 2009. As I walked into the St. James Theater, on October 21, I thought I would be guided to my seat. To my surprise I was told my seat is above the mezzanine. After walking up an endless stairway I was welcomed to a steep balcony. I only found out after watching the show that this balcony was built due to the “Jim crow laws.” The history lesson didn’t end there. The stellar production takes on big issues such as race, big business (buying on credit), and romance. The characters portray these issues with talent and imagination. The music was great and the lyrics were exceptional. The songs were pure poetry, as In the following lyrics: “When the idol poor become the idol rich you’ll never know just who is who or who is which.” The stage was filled with characters such as a leprechaun, a silent ballerina who dances all her dialogue, a politician who goes from white to black to white again, and an Irish immigrant with a pot of gold. All these characters tell their story through a magical musical score. The town’s folk who made up the chorus were as strong as the leads. Finian’s Rainbow is one of the few productions running on Broadway that has a full orchestra.

All in all, it was a truly magical performance.

November 18, 2009   2 Comments

Blurb #3 – LGBT film fest podcast

On Tuesday, November 11th, I attended a film festival of short, independent films put on by Brooklyn College’s LGBTA (the Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Alliance). They were all queer/LGBT themed, but the topics varied greatly: platonic relationships turning into more, living with straight roommates, abuse, harassment, death, break-ups, or dealing with family who aren’t supportive of LGBT people. There were about twenty people there, mostly members of the club itself at school, and we sat in a relaxed atmosphere and watched the films, having a minute or two between each to discuss them briefly with the people around us. I loved this club event, because I never really have the opportunity to see short indie films on my own. Some were very clearly low-budget – either the sound was grainy, the filming unclear or acting below quality – but some were superb. Benny’s Gym was one that stands out to me. It was a foreign film with subtitles about two young schoolboys (maybe 12 or so). One is bullied because his classmates think he’s gay, and the boy who does most of the beatings becomes, in actuality, a close friend of his. The two must keep their friendship a secret, and the second boy keeps up appearances with his own friends by increasing the brutality of the harassment. It was really hard to watch, because the director didn’t sugar-coat anything or spare any feelings. Also, the fact that all of the beatings were filmed in a bleak, gray German forest during winter didn’t help much. I can’t wait to delve further into the genre of short-film in the future – this film-fest really showed me something new.

November 18, 2009   1 Comment

Blurb 3- IJC Fashion Show



November 18, 2009   3 Comments

The Wedding Dinner

The restaurant was filled with many decorations. There were gold and white balloons, napkins, table clothes, banners, and many other things. Among  the many decorations was a big white banner saying, Congratulations ­­­Wayne and Elena. The restaurant was filled with joy and excitement for the newlyweds. As the all the guests finally got seated, the lights dimmed and the hostess started to call out the bridesmaids and the groomsmen. The bridesmaids were all wearing different white dresses but the styles were similar while the groomsmen wore matching black tuxes. She finally announced the bride and the groom. The groom was wearing a finer black tux while the bride was wearing an amazing white wedding gown. The married couple looked so happy.

It was then time for the feast. The waiters brought out the food, dish after dish. It looked like it was never going to end. We had fine fish, scrumptious shrimps, a variety of vegetables, savory soup, superb steaks, luscious lobsters, and delightful desserts. It was all so mouthwatering and delicious. The wedding was a great success. The place looked beautiful, the food was marvelous, and the married couple was as happy as they can be.

November 18, 2009   4 Comments