The 2012 Expo (May 2, 2012) brought us more entries, more diversity, more development, and more reflection. In its second year, the Macaulay Eportfolio Expo continues to demonstrate the many ways our students are stretching definitions and creating full pictures of their learning.
The 2012 Expo Awardees are listed (in random order) below. All are now entitled to use a badge (in a choice of colors) on their sites to represent their achievement!

The Utopia of Daniel, by Daniel Scarpati--The culmination of all of the things Daniel enjoys in life. From cars and college classes to movies and video games.

Intertwined, by Kaitlyn O'Hagan--a hub for a lot of different things, including study abroad, blogging and academic archives.

Peace of Cake, by Peace Chung--Advertisements, DIYs, and Reviews/Opinion on creative projects/products/ideas

rHUminations | scraps, adventures, and inspirations, by Christin Hu--A myriad of links, videos, and texts which relate to what Christin does or what simply somehow comes to mind.

Ghosts, Memory & Metaphor in Gabriel Conroy's Ireland, by Mary Williams--Not just the senior thesis, but also information relating to it, including ”The Dead” by James Joyce, the history of Ireland, cognitive theory, metaphor, and memory.

Hybrid Spaces in Memorial Architecture: The 9-11 Memorial, by Marisa Paolillo-- By analyzing memorials as hybrid spaces we can pinpoint which qualities are most effective so that we can build better memorials in the future.

Long Island City, by Megan Chiu--A study of a neighborhood which has made significant growth in terms of becoming more residential and contemporary while still maintaining part of its original industrial and commercial character.

Through a Mirror Darkly, by Aparna Gokhale--Hypertext fiction from the year 2050. A history of "The Fall."

Science for Dessert, by Daniel Feldman--Cool science, all in one place. Dan's attempt Dan Feldman in an attempt to help him get better at writing science articles, and a fun way to get people to see why science can be really cool.

Joenard's Duke-EWH Summer Institute, by Joenard Camarista--Raising awareness and support for a summer service project repairing donated medical equipment at Hospital Santiago in Jinotepe, Nicaragua.

Flip or Swim? by Diana Kudelko--How Gymnastics and Swimming Impact Health and Fitness. A site made to educate people on the benefits of exercise, in particular practicing gymnastics and swimming.

For Lack of a Better Title, by Victoria Tang--A "temporary attempt at organizing the different aspects of myself and my life. An online portfolio showcasing “pieces” of me. Much fancier than a blog."

KShannon O'Danny, by Shannon Chen--An art, design and accessories blog, documenting Shannon's learning about art, materials, techniques and design.

A Jamination of Imagination, by Elissa Julia Olivera--The world your body lives in has limits, it has restrictions. There are consequences for your actions and there are things you just can't do. However, your mind is a different story: there are no set backs, restraints or rules.

Asian Win, by Hosea Mak--A site to promote Asian awareness, so groups like FarEast Movement and The Jubilee Project, as well as people like Clara C, David Choi, and Jeremy Lin will be better known out there.

Macaulay Scholars Council, by Kaitlyn O'Hagan and the Scholars Council--The one and only Macaulay Student Government provides information and connections.

My AUSome Trip, by Lilach Gez--A trip through the world, culture, and academics, with video and digital storytelling.

The Macaulay Messenger, by Kanika Khanna and the Messenger team--A Newsletter for the MHC Community. Macaulay's own student-developed, student-written, student-edited cross-campus newspaper.

No Foreign Lands, by Julia Dancer--"There are no foreign lands. It is the traveler only who is foreign." – Robert Lewis Stevenson

The Macaulay Triplets, by Raj Basak and the Triplets--The Triplets are the first A Cappella group in Macaulay Honors College. Spread over four campuses and following very independent paths in their lives, the Triplets are bonded by their passion for music and dynamic musical chemistry.

Barthelona, by Joanna Tschurtschenthaler--Collecting memories of architectural "encounters" and presenting them in order...sites of interest, details/buildings/places that move us, inspiring designs, and observations about the city.
Our thanks to this year’s external judges, who volunteered their time and skills!
Helen Davis–Assistant Professor of Humanities, Wilkes University
Jeff Drouin–Assistant Professor of English and Digital Humanities, University of Tulsa; Associate Director, Modernist Journals Project; Editor, Ecclesiastical Proust Journal
Lauren Klein—Assistant Professor, School of Literature, Communication, and Culture, Affiliated Faculty, Graphics, Visualization and Usability Center, Georgia Tech
Jody Rosen—Assistant Professor of English, WAC Coordinator, OpenLab Project, New York City College of Technology
Nancy Wozniak—Learning Architect and Eportfolio Program Manager, Stony Brook University
Category Selections and Judges’ Choice:
- Thesis Site:
- Marisa Paolillo “Hybrid Spaces in Memorial Architecture: The 9-11 Memorial”
- Travel Site:
- Julia Dancer “Barthelona”
- Seminar Site:
- Aparna Gokhale “Through a Mirror Darkly”
- Arts Site:
- Victoria Tang “For Lack of a Better Title”
- Group/Community Site:
- Kanika Khanna “Macaulay Messenger”
- Science/Health Site:
- Diana Kudelko “Flip or Swim?”
- Cultural Site:
- Sion Siyanov “The Unforgettable Past”
- Personal Site:
- Daniel Scarpati “The Utopia of Daniel”
- Overall Judges’ Choice:
- Lilach Gez “My AUSome Trip”
Very exciting and creative projects. Congratulations to everyone!
Congrats to all of you! It was really impressed by the website presentations at the Expo, and hope that all of you keep up the wonderful work.