Resizing Images

(this wonderful image is by Robbi Behr, who is a genius)

As you’ve been working on pages on your site, you might notice you’re ending up with widely different image sizes.  This causes two problems:  1) ugliness and 2) file size issues.  That last one you might not even notice, but a huge file coming from, say, your digital camera will take up way too much space on and slow down your site in disagreeable ways.

But right now, Professor Sibilia is noticing that the images are too differently sized on your pages, so let’s fix those.

SOLUTION ONE:  When you upload and image, you’ll see on the page a few options above the ‘insert into post’ button:

Try to regularize your choices, by choosing say, medium, to have all images relatively the same size.

NOTE: Choosing the largest size does not mean you’ll have an image that size–most wordpress columns are roughly 600 pixels across, and the image will not appear wider than that.  If you choose ‘full size’ and your image is 2500X3564 you’ll end up with an image that is 600 pixels across which a viewer can click on to see the full size in a new window.  That’s only recommended in cases where it’s necessary–that’s a huge file which will take up a lot of space in site storage, and few vistors will even bother.

SOLUTION TWO:  You should always think about solution one when loading your images–at least reducing them in size roughly, especially if they’re really large.  If, however, you want to resize images on the page which you’ve already loaded, you can.   Clicking on the already posted image, you’ll see these two buttons:

Click the one that looks like a picture, and you can resize the image on the next screen:

The drawback here is 80% is a pretty imprecise way of resizing, but you can play around until your images are the sizes you need.

BUT SOLUTION THREE!  OH, LET ME TELL YOU ABOUT SOLUTION THREE!:   it’s a MUCH BETTTER idea to resize images before posting them to your site, and to do so using a third party application like Photoshop, Gimp, or one of the many simpler and easier online freeware applications like PicMonkey.

The simplest (IT’S VERY SIMPLE!) way to resize an image is to use an online service like  We don’t endorse any particular online service here at the OpenLab, and there are many online resizing free services.  But this one is solid in that it has the things most people need when resizing (a bit of color changing, a size change option, a crop feature, and a way to reduce file size).  If you don’t like PicMonkey, go ahead and search online for “free image resizing” and you’ll find more options than you can handle.  And here’s an article that looks at a few similar editors.

Most of these are pretty simple.  Just two things to keep in mind:

1) most of the time, roughly 600 pixels wide is the most you need for an image on one of our sites.

2) when it comes to file size, you don’t need a large file for most online work.  Save a large image somewhere else, and post images that are less than 60KB.  To do this with PicMonkey, move the ‘quality’ slider when you go to save the image.

Here’s an example.  The image below was originally 1440 X 1080 pixels–way larger than we need.  What we end up with is a thumbnail that’s 600 pixels wide which you can click on to see the full-size image.  It’s pretty rare that we need that second size, but it’s on the site now, and taking up an enormous amount of space.

(image by j_bary on Flickr  via Creative Commons)

So if we resize the image (I used PicMonkey here) to 600 px wide, and then lower the quality to 50KB, we end up with this:

It’s not quite as nice, but it’s going to save you a lot of space on your site, and if you don’t need the larger image, it’s a great idea to do it in advance.  Of course, if you do need the larger sizes, you should by all means post them.  The key is to think through what you need your images for, so that you can use the extra space when you need to.  Images that come straight out of your camera or phone, for example are almost always much larger than you probably need.

Of course, PicMonkey is, as we said, very simple.  Much more can be done using Photoshop or Gimp.  Here are two short tutorials on doing these simple tasks with these two much more robust applications:

Here’s a tutorial on resizing using photoshop:

And here’s a tutoria on resizing using gimp:


Using Dipity

Dipity is a great way to create timelines–perfect for many of you on this projet.  You can learn more about dipity here.

And here’s a tutorial:

Once you’ve created your timeline, follow the usual steps to upload it to our class site:

First, click embed, which you can find here:

You’ll see a pop-up and can copy the embed code:

Copy the code into the ‘html’ field and then DON’T switch back to the Visual tab before posting–sometimes this will ‘strip’ out the code and mess up the results. Not always, but sometimes.

Hit publish, and you’re done.

Uploading a Google Map

First, here’s a tutorial on using and creating Google Maps:

Once you’ve created the map, follow these steps to embed it on our site:


View Grub Street 101 Best Sandwiches in NYC in a larger map

If you embed a map (click on the markers above to see–also a good way to find sandwiches in the city), you’ll have a few less steps for your user, and yourself. To do it, follow these steps.

NOTE: Be sure your map is set to ‘public.’ These steps won’t work otherwise.

First, click the link image to the upper left of your map, and copy the embed code information (the code in the circle):

Next paste it into the ‘html’ field on your post or page. If you’ve never done this before, notice there are two tabs, ‘visual’ and ‘html.’ As here:

Copy the code into the ‘html’ field and then DON’T switch back to the Visual tab before posting–sometimes this will ‘strip’ out the code and mess up the results.

Hit publish, and you’re done.

Posting to the Site Using Categories

 When asked to post something, log into the site, go to the ‘dashboard,’ and follow these instructions:

1) be sure you’re in the dashboard
2) click add new under ‘post’
3) give your post a title
4) type your response, upload your image, copy your embed code, etc.
5) click the box for the appropriate category (in the image above it’s ‘blog/responses’ but it could be whatever is appropriate)
6) hit publish

And that should be it!


Using Google Docs


Google Docs allows users to collaborate from afar on a single document.  And while it sometimes might not seem like it, it can be used without an gmail address (though if you have one already, or want one, certain things become easier).  These nice folks have created a handy tutorial that will answer most questions.

That said, the tutorial isn’t as new as the newest google update, and the sign up page looks a bit different now–you’ll want to sign up  using the red ‘sign up’ button at the top of the page, which you can see here:

After that, it’s simple to create the google account.  And once you’ve signed up, you’ll be able to create and share documents just like any other google docs user.  The tutorial above will take you through that.  And of course, email me with any questions.




-look over map projects.

GIMP/Posting Your Projects

When you’ve finished your image in gimp (email me or check youtube for a plethora of gimp tutorials if you have any questions, you’ll want to post to our site.  To do that follow these easy steps.  The numbers correspond to the numbers on the image below:

  1. be sure you’re a member (email me for the password if you’ve forgotten) of the course site.
  2. go to the dashboard (you can get there from the upper navigation bar, by hitting ‘edit,’ or by clicking ‘meta’ in the right hand column)
  3. create a new post (you can also do this from the top navigation bar)
  4. upload your images using the ‘add media button’
  5. CLICK THE CORRECT CATEGORY!  (in this case, ‘Lanscape Analysis Part II)
  6. Hit publish
  7. You’re done!

As always, email Scott with any questions.

Welcome to The Peopling of New York-On the Waterfront!


Welcome to Professor Sibilia’s Macaulay Honors College Seminar 2 site.  This site will be the virtual center of our course, and it will be the planning hub for this semester’s final project.

Add yourself to the site on the right (contact Scott for the password).  Once you do  you’ll be able to add text, video, comment on each other’s work, etc.   Periodically during the term Scott will demonstrate some site uses in class, and he’ll also be posting ideas and tutorials here on this site.

Again, to get a password to join the site, or if you have questions about how to use this site, or if you want to know how to make your ideas for your final presentations become a reality, contact Scott Henkle, the Instructional Technology Fellow for this course.