Seminar 3 Poster: Beneficial Impacts of Routine Exercise on Personal Wellbeing

Beneficial Impact of Routine Exercise on Personal Well-Being

Studies show that even just a short walk per day can improve mental, emotional, and physical health. Our project demonstrates the different benefits that can be experienced with routine exercise.

Group Members: Ahmed Imran, Ana Maria Oliynyk, and Danielle Ryba
(Rodriguez-Contreras, City College Seminar 3, 2020)

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To see a full and comprehensive version of our poster, visit our Prezi presentation
here. In it you will be able to find an expanded version of the text boxes on the poster, along with a presentation of our data.

Now, onto the gist of our research project …

With the COVID-19 pandemic and lockdowns, many people have seen their mental, emotional, and physical health take a toll. Meanwhile, many studies claim routine exercise to be an effective way to boost mental, emotional, and physical well-being. Our group decided to dedicate our Seminar 3 research project to finding out to what extent this may be true, with the hope of identifying exercise as something everyone can for personal wellness in this age of Covid. Upon collecting data from a group of people that participated in routine exercise, we were able to conclude that participating in exercise does allow people to experience a variety of different benefits to their emotional, mental, and physical health. Exercising has even made it easier for some people to cope with the circumstances of the pandemic.

Most importantly, our participants experienced benefits from their exercise routines regardless of what exercise they did, or even for how long. Regardless of whether you were to go for a walk for 20 minutes a day, or do yoga for a whole hour, you can still experience benefits like improved moods, a clearer mind, increased confidence, or even see physical changes in your body. So, we urge everyone to find the physical activity that will suit them, and embark on the journey of boosting your personal well-being!

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