The Negative Impacts of Sleep Deprivation on College Students’ Health

Pulling an all-nighter to study for an upcoming test may save your grade, but how will it affect your mental and physical health? That’s what we decided to find out.

Victor Ma, Yoobin Moon, Anna Russo, Chynna Starr

This project is about the prevalence of sleep deprivation among college students which can unfortunately bring about detrimental health issues if not cared for. Our group conducted research regarding reasons as to why sleep is so important, why students stay up so late, and the consequences of prolonged periods of lack of sleep. Lastly, we considered possible solutions to this issue, where students could obtain healthy sleeping schedules while simultaneously finding a balance between completing work and engaging in social activities.

5 thoughts on “The Negative Impacts of Sleep Deprivation on College Students’ Health

  1. I think this was such a good topic to focus on in this current political climate when so many college kids feel more overworked than ever. It is something that most people know, you need to sleep for at least 8 hours every night, but I don’t know a single college kid that does because of so much work to be done. It is really cool to see the actual biochemical impact of sleep deprivation, not just lack of focus or fatgure.

  2. Hi there!
    It was really interesting to read your poster and your findings. This is an especially important topic to all of us as college students and it is important that we all understand that we cannot cut corners when it comes to sleep. Personally, I always allow myself to sleep by a certain time each night regardless of how much work I have done, because I know sleep is more important and that I can deal with academic consequences otherwise. Great poster!

  3. Hi guys!
    I think you did a great job on this project and I found the topic extremely interesting because of course, like most college students, I can relate. Seeing the title is what made me click on your poster to begin with. But after reading through your poster, I think it is definitely nice to know that there is data supporting the idea that college students need to start getting more sleep. I think strategies to improve sleep quality for college students are definitely much needed and hopefully during this break we can all catch up on some much-needed rest!

  4. Much like other commentators, this one I liked because it seems like an extremely relevant topic for students: sleep. There should be a greater focus on the effect of sleep has on grades and especially policy changes in the way our colleges teach to accommodate the research. I enjoyed the project in how they tried to advocate sleep quality using technical health details like for example knowing less sleep leads to decreased level of helpful cells like cytokine, B cell, T cells, etc.

  5. It is really interesting to see the biological impact of the lack of sleep college students have. The topic is relevant to many college students and it is important to understand the consequences of our actions earlier on, so we don’t end up with higher risks of the diseases mentioned in the poster. I wonder how sleep deprivation impacts college students differently than high school students.

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