Correlation between asthma and urbanization

In this project, we observed the correlation between asthma and urbanization in 23 countries in North America and 50 states of US. Based on outside studies, we hypothesized that there would be higher rates of asthma in countries with higher rates of urbanization. However, we rejected our initial hypothesis because … the reason will shock you!

Examining the Impact of Local Environmental Pollution on Urban Fishermen

In our own New York City community, we have noticed how fishermen interacted with our urban environment every day and have been thinking critically about how higher pollution levels would affect them. To explore the extent of pollution, we are determining the pH of the East River.

Factors that Influence the Abundance of Plant Species in BioBlitz 2020 Data

Plants were one of the most widely observed specimens in the Bioblitz 2020 dataset. The purpose of our research is to study the factors that influence the high abundance of Ageratina altissima, Hibiscus syriacus, and Impatiens capensis found in the 2020 BioBlitz data. We hypothesized that a major factor explaining these species’ abundance would be fragmentation, namely that plants would be more abundant in less fragmented locations. However, our results were varied; A. altissima was more common in residential areas, H. syriacus was found equally in residential and park areas, and I. capensis was solely found in parks. We found this variance to be due to specific features in each of the plant species that helped them flourish in their respective locations.

Global Warming and the Increase in International Malaria Cases

Global warming and rising temperatures can affect things beyond rising sea levels and weather conditions. It poses a major threat to human health. Our group researched the effect of increasing global temperatures on international malaria cases and the malarial parasite.