26 Hours Until Vacation

As promised, I have decided to try and make my posting more frequent. Thus, I have decided to sit here and post something instead of preparing for my lecture in 45 minutes. My hope is that a more frequent writing schedule will help me to remember everything I wanted to write.

Monday: Late Monday night (actually it was basically Tuesday morning), I went with friends to watch the Jets-Pats game at a sports bar that shows games on ESPN America. In theory the idea of Sports Cafe is good. It is a large sport bar near Picadilly where Americans came come and watch game of interests. Earlier in October, I watched a World Series Game there with about 100 other baseball enthusiasts. However, it practice, specifically on Monday night, the Sports Cafe failed us. We got to the bar at about 1:30 am only to learn that the bar was hosting a “Service Professionals Night” so there were about 200 hundred drunk people dancing to a DJ is in the middle of the bar. To make matters worse, despite the fact that there are about 50 televisions, only three were showing the football game while the others were showing female WWE wrestling. The experience was even worse because from the beginning the Jets were losing and left no opportunity for a comeback. Thankfully, We left after the first quarter. Seriously, if you ever find yourself in London DO NOT GO TO THE SPORTS CAFE!

The Outside of Sports Cafe

Tuesday: After spending a full day in classes, I celebrated the holiday season with friends by exchanging gifts in Secret Santa/White Elephant/Yankee Swap/I have to idea what it is called and didn’t really understand what was going on. On Monday, I had gone to Covent Garden in order to buy the gift. I was concerned that the gift would only be suitable for a girl so I tried to wrap my gift as nicely as possible as to persuade a girl to pick it. My plan worked. Similarly, I received that would not have been suitable for many other people seeing as most people do not think that animal sex is funny (I do!). Afterwards, we went to White Hart, a bar next door in order to hang out. I was actually having a pretty miserable day so hanging out with friends and going to a bar was exactly what I needed. Without even having a drink, I decided to join a few of my friends on a trip next week. I will be in Prague from December 14th-18th and Amsterdam from December 18th-22nd. Because they are going to Paris first, I will be meeting them in Prague. Despite the spontaneity associated with the trip, I am actually quite excited. I was in Amsterdam in September but felt that I wasn’t able to see everything I wanted to. As for Prague, I have always felt a slight affinity because my grandfather was from Czechoslovakia even though we are pretty sure he grew up no where near Prague or even the present day Czech Republic. In addition, one of my favourite authors Franz Kafka was Jewish and is from Prague. I hope to we able to go to the Kafka museum even if my friends do not know who he is.

Hannukah Coloring Book Page

Wednesday: Wednesday started off on a strange note. I decided to accompany my friend to her Accounting lecture. In the middle of the lecture, hte professor turned to me and actually asked me a question- had I been paying attention or even knew a little about accounting I could have answered but obviously I had no idea. The highlight of the class was at the end when the lecturer opened a Christmas video on youtube. It put the entire class is a good mood. As the music was playing, I couldn’t help but think that this would never happen in an American university. Surely, someone would complain that they felt uncomfortable or alienated.Yet, I have to say, as someone who does not celebrate Christmas, not only did I not feel alienated it improved my mood for the rest of the day. Afterwards, I went shopping on Oxford street to buy a few things for my forthcoming trip. At night, I went iceskating at the Tower of London. In theory this sounds like a good idea. You basically skate in the moat of a famous Tower that has been the host of quite a few events in British history. However, at least for novice skaters like myself, It is hard to take your eyes off of the ice directly in front of you and thus impossible to appreciate where you are.

Ice Skating

Ok, I really need to go to class now. But fear not! If all goes well and I continue to remember that I am posting regularly, I will be back soon.

About Steph Fox

My name is Stephanie Fox and I am in the process of embarking on a study abroad experience in London for my Junior year at the Macaulay Honors College at Hunter College. I will be in London from September 15th through the end of June studying Economics and Political Science (my major) at the London School of Economics. I hope to use this blog to document my experiences while away.
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