With the End in Sight

Ok so it has actually been a ridiculously long since I have posted but to be honest I haven’t done too much. Last month was my 21st birthday which would have been exciting had I not already been living in a country with an 18 year old drinking age for the past 6 months. Despite this fact, I still had a very good time celebrating my birthday with friends in London. I began the day picking up my friend from the airport who would be spending the Spring Semester in London. Luckily, I didn’t have class that day so I spent most of the day with my friend, helping her get acclimated with the city. Of course, I was happy to help, but I especially valued the experience because I realized how much I have really learned since I’ve been here and also how much I take for granted. After helping my friend, I joined friends from LSE for a birthday dinner at TGI Fridays. Of course, I would never normally choose Fridays for a birthday dinner, but I couldn’t resist the deal. Because it was my birthday, each member of my party (up to 8 people) received one free cocktail with an entree. At the end of the night, the waitress came over with a free birthday cake and a balloon animal. The following night, for a more traditional celebration, I went to a karaoke bar.

The one thing I cannot stop thinking about is whatever is going on in Egypt. I am not going to use this blog as any broad forum to express my opinion because to be honest I am not sure yet how I feel. However, last Saturday afternoon I found myself at a pro-Egypt rally in Trafalgar Square. Being there made me really feel like I was a part of history.

About Steph Fox

My name is Stephanie Fox and I am in the process of embarking on a study abroad experience in London for my Junior year at the Macaulay Honors College at Hunter College. I will be in London from September 15th through the end of June studying Economics and Political Science (my major) at the London School of Economics. I hope to use this blog to document my experiences while away.
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