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Sydney Marino


By: Christos Bakalexis, Nicholas Leung, and Sydney Marino

Carpe Diem

“Tell me how to fight?” How do you fight something that, at any given point, can kill you? We all know we …

Comic Con 2014- New York City

Notice the city was a little more crowded this week? Did it look like Halloween came early this year? If you noticed …

The City of Resilence

“The Impossible Yesterday is Routine Today. Wait Until Tomorrow.” – Sir Ken Robinson                “A single flight …

Gotham Before Batman

Batman: he is the “Silent Guardian”,  the “Watch Protector”, and the Dark Knight of Gotham. “He is what Gotham deserves”, or at …

The Place Like No Other

I have lived in Queens, New York since the day I was born. However, in my almost 18 years living here I …

Funsized Sydney Here!

Hello everyone. My name is Sydney Marino and I am planning to become an Actuary. I’m really excited to be part of …