Category Coney Island


Turning sixteen-years-old means sweet sixteen parties or the excitement of learning how to drive for the first time. It represents a milestone in life and provides a sense of newly found maturity for many. But for Begum, sixteen was the… Continue Reading →


Eddie expresses disbelief at how much I’ve grown, reminiscing with me about the Christmas cards showing my sister and me smiling side by side that he’s received from my mother since I was just a baby.  They’ve made him feel… Continue Reading →


Often times, people tend to move and settle together with a group of people that share their cultural and/or religious values. As a result of this behavior, boundaries are formed by these ethnically and religiously different groups, creating an invisible… Continue Reading →


“Why New York?” This is the first question I ask Nancy Nagourney. She contemplates at her desk thinking about how she should respond. In her office the plain white walls are easily ignored by the beautiful view of New York… Continue Reading →


Quadeer sat down with a laugh as he grabbed his steaming chai, a traditional Pakistani tea, and took a long sip. He was a tall middle-aged man that spoke with a heavy accent. He chuckled as he reminisced about his… Continue Reading →

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