Teju Cole – Dylan Senkiw


Pre Opera:                                                             Post Opera:



My initial interpretation of the Opera was that it was a very formal event. The grandiose theater, suit jackets and flowing gowns created strict social expectations, in my mind. Expectations of formality and “sophisticated thinking” that suited an older generation.  Everyone should be very respectful and conservative. I imagined it less as a social event, but more of a solitary viewing. I thought that everyone would want to keep to themselves and just appreciate the performance.

I also had a preconceived notion of the performance itself. I was expecting the opera to be almost completely singing, and although the words would certainly tell a story, I did not anticipate the amount of acting and story telling that occurred. Personally, I think the story of the opera is a good way to draw in an audience who may not be solely concentrated on the vocal skills. Still, the opera is still target at a very specific audience.

Upon experiencing the opera, many of my previous thoughts remained to be true. Many of the viewers were indeed older and white. As a group of 20 teenagers, I definitely felt out of place. Additionally, it was definitely a strict environment. At the start of the performance, a man aggressively shushed us. Although it is our responsibility to be quiet, the man could’ve been much more polite as the play was only just about to begin. This confirmed my belief that those who go to the opera are

Although some of my previous thoughts were confirmed, some aspects of the opera were unexpected. I was personally surprised by the laughter of the audience. This broke the strict setting, and silent watching.

Overall, many of my previous thoughts were confirmed. The opera attracts a very specific audience. I would’ve appreciated it more if I knew the effort that went into the production. For example, I appreciate orchestras more because I play the violin and I know the effort that goes into the ensemble.

My picture after watching the opera represents Singh’s photography because the empty stage shows “a potential space for people not yet in the picture” (Teju Cole). I tried not to capture anything that would suggest a bias, or illicit a certain feeling. My picture was meant to show something clear and avoid a previous prejudice.

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