Jack Nasar – Macaulay


  1. Joseph Ugoretz

    I wonder what country you’ll end up in for the study abroad…outside of your comfort zone!

    And you better lose yourself in the music the moment you own it you better never let it go you only get one chance to blow this opportunity comes once in a lifetime.

    (I’m never sure how to use punctuation with Eminem)

  2. Maisha Kamal

    My answer to your question (this was the assignment I didn’t just creep you): I think I’d pull a Michael Grohman and become an attorney to help fund a writing career (though he does photography). It’d be the best of both worlds because I’m really interested in both.

  3. Taylor Castro

    To answer your question, I want to be a doctor when I grow up! I think I want to go into OB-GYN, but I have 8 years to decide that for sure. Getting into BA-MD was probably the best thing for me, because now I know my dream can become a reality.

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