I am proud to admit that i am a shakespeare fan. Even before the plays were assigned in school, i had read them on my own and i almost always fall in love with whatever work i am reading. Yet, i felt that this play didn’t exemplify what shakespeare intended it to be, which is fine, except that the play itself was pretty confusing.

I thought that the actors did an amazing job, especially since it was an all female cast all playing males. This rendition of the play was definitely entertaining, but at times it felt a little bit too over the top. I did think it was interesting though that the play was kind of a framed narrative and so even though it was confusing, it was very realistic in the sense that if prisoners were to do this play, it would probably be just as if not more over the top in the lewdness… Even though it came out of nowhere, i loved the song and despite the actual words, i thought the melody was beautiful. I also really liked the fighting scenes, the loud music and the spray paint on the floor, all unique to this rendition of the play I’m sure.

All in all, i thought that it was a very interesting performance. I don’t think anyone ever has or will ever see Henry IV performed quite like that again.