Last Response. 5-10-11

Disagreements, arguments and conflicts are bound to happen in any type of community; whether it be of the same ethnic group or a very diverse neighborhood. Conflicts are inevitable, and in a way, shape a community. However, how the conflict should be solved is tricky and difficult. There is more than one possibility to approach a problem, but which one is right and which one will lead to the best outcome is what becomes the real question and purpose to solving a conflict.

In this weeks reading, we were introduced to different conflicts emerging due to different reasons, and how they were dealt with. Rioting became a popular form of showing conflict and making visible that a problem exists and is need to be dealt with. In the articles by Rieder and Sciorra we were introduced to more violence and riots. The main reason here for conflicts being race. Furthermore,  the focus of Pritchett’s book was also racial conflicts and how they caused riots to occur. Reasons for riots in Brownsville also included the increasing crime rate, poverty, education and also sanitation in the area. To put a halt to, or at least better the condition, these conflicts were approached with political involvement by President Johnson.

However, in other communities, politics itself became a reason for riots to occur, as Jessica points out. Anbinder’s Five Points focuses on how politicians became immersed themselves in rioting instead of being the “problem-solver”. The existence of several different groups with different ideals and the necessity of then to be loyal to ones own group caused clashes between and within groups. Violence began to arise between groups such as “Dead Rabbits” and “Bowery Boys”.

All in all, conflict is a part of society and community which is inevitable. But the way conflict is dealt with might be different. However, it is acceptable to say that rioting and violence is a very “popular” way of dealing with conflicts. We all know this for a fact, itis clearly in the readings, and we continue to see this in the world today. Will this change? I think it is safe to say we have come a long way, as Alexa mentions, but we still need to come a long way from it.



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