Dear Samiha (And Chinatown)

One day, my friend will see this post. She wouldn’t let me post the pictures of her face on Facebook, but she let me post them here. [Unfortunately, she no longer wants them up. So anyone who was lucky enough to already see my lovely photos, congrats! Anyone who missed out on them, sorry. Not much I can do.]

But why would I dedicate a post to pictures of my friend, Samiha? I wouldn’t.


Just kidding! However, this post is not about Samiha. Rather, Columbus Park, Chinatown.

Today was my first day sitting inside the park. I’ve passed it many times before, but I’ve never been inside. Samiha and I ate lunch on a bench. Meanwhile, everywhere around me were tens of Chinese senior citizens. Some gambling, some playing instruments, and some singing songs. At the playing field, there were little kids playing soccer, older kids playing volleyball, and others riding their bikes. Altogether, this made for a very homey feeling. A sense of comfortableness within the park. (Even if every few minutes, a senior citizen would walk in front of me and stare at me.)

I wish I could record the sounds of the park because pictures and words cannot even come close to fully describing the atmosphere of the park.

Here are some more pictures of Columbus Park.


And here are the pictures of Samiha (at Columbus Park) that I discussed previously. is the one picture she let me keep up.

After we had lunch at Columbus Park, we walk towards SoHo and stopped by a store named So Good. A multitude of shiny accessories. The whole store sparkles.

And after we went here, we went to Pearl River Mart. But, I love the store so much that I am dedicating a separate post to it.

(All photos are credited to me.)

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