Romantic and The Flaws

“Nostalgia is denial — denial of the painful present. The name for this denial is golden age thinking, the erroneous notion that a different time period is better than the one ones living in. It’s a flaw in the romantic imagination of those people who find it difficult to cope with the present.” —Midnight in Paris

During the summer, I watched Woody Allen’s Midnight in Paris. I enjoyed the film. It was refreshing, cute, romantic, periodic, and witty. It even included writers from the Jazz Age and artists from surrounding times! (Knowing my love for books and art, what could be better!) The quote above, beside the many other memorable quotes, really struck me. I always obsess over the romanticized versions of prior eras. I know it’s wrong. It’s quite unhealthy. I do live in the present, but sometimes, I just wish I could transport to another era. When things were beautiful. ‘Tis why I love reading romantic periodic novels and watching romantic period/costume dramas (TV shows and movies).

Yesterday, I watched the encore presentation of ABC’s Pan Am. Quite an interesting piece. I love the feeling of how everything was so pristine and perfect during the Jet Age. I know that things are exaggerated and romanticized, but it makes me feel good. It actually brings back my memories of wanting to be a flight attendant (or is stewardess the right term?). Quite frankly, I don’t care which term is more fitting. But this dream of mine started several years back after I watched the amazing Japanese dorama, Attention Please. (If you’re into Japanese dramas or want to watch one, I highly recommend this one.) Ah, memories.

But more on this nostalgia bit. I am an absolute sucker for period/costume dramas. I can’t even begin to describe the overwhelming urge I have to watch one right now. I love pieces on the 1920s, 1960s, and medieval times. I love the emphasis on aesthetics, excess and wealth. I especially like movies and shows that have to do with love, lust, and scandal within a royal family from ancient and medieval times. Or any time before the 20th century. And when they’re set in old-time Europe. And when they have a dark, mysterious feeling to them. Nothing light-hearted and fluffy. Some serious drama. (Although I do like lighthearted comedies and such as Midnight in Paris, I generally prefer dark dramas. But then again, it depends on my mood.)

I don’t know why I have such an inclination towards these type of films. But I just do! My guilty pleasure.

Now I really want to watch a period drama! But what to watch?! Any suggestions?

P.S. I adore periodic films that incorporate fairy tales into them. Magic, I’m a sucker for that too.

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