More Tours, More Food

As in my previous post, I will be talking about a tour of neighborhood in New York City. And, it involves food.

Last week, my Peopling class went on a walking tour down Flatbush to explore the West Indian culture of Brooklyn. I’m not going to discuss it in depth as I do in similar posts. However, I will point out some interesting things from the trip. (If you are curious of what my class’ approach on the Peopling of New York and the West Indian culture is, here is the link to our class website.)

Before going on the walking tour, my class learned a bit about recreational uses of public parks. We also briefly discussed the music culture of the West Indian immigrants. One that I particularly like is the steel pan. The sound the steel pans make is enchanting. And the massive groups that compete in the Panorama create a lively and magical atmosphere. Really cool.

On our tour, we stopped at Peppa’s Jamaican Cuisine and had some jerk chicken. Yum! Then we walked down the avenue and looked in other restaurants, meat stores, fish markets, and grocery shops. We also toured the colorful Flatbush Caton Market and explored the Save-A-Ton fabric store. But the last destination was my favorite. And, of course, it had to do with food.

Nio’s Trinidad Roti Shop: I tried pholourie for the first time. And it was absolutely amazing. I could sit at the restaurant and just eat pholourie all day. That is, if I had the time, money, and lack of care for my health. Haha. But it was delicious.


[Photo credit:]

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