The Second Annual Eportfolio Expo

I don’t know if I mentioned this before, buuuuutttt, I had been planning to enter the Eportfolio Expo well before the fall Tech Fair. Somehow, though I don’t remember, I stumbled upon the eportfolios and thought that the concept of Macaulay students connected through a Macaulay-hosted network of online portfolios and blogs was so cool. Unfortunately, not that many students use this feature. I totally understand though. Using the eportfolio is a commitment. It requires time that could be spent studying, sleeping, hanging out, etc. And, it is difficult to maintain one, especially if you don’t even know where to begin. I have serious commitment issues, but I REALLY wanted to start my own eportfolio. So I decided to focus on the broadest topic (without the eportfolio being completely hectic): me. And so far, so good. I did notice, however, that my eportfolio is leaning towards and exploration of New York City and art. Maybe I should narrow my eportfolio’s focus to the arts, New York, and school, with a dash of random personal rants. Which brings us to my next note:

The Expo was last week, on Wednesday, May 2nd. Unfortunately, I missed a part of the beginning because I had to commute from Brooklyn College to the Macaulay building. Nevertheless, from what I was present for, the expo was great. Each student who showed up presented his/her site, explaining things such as: inspiration behind the site, goal of the site, personal touches to the site, etc. I really learned a lot about my fellow students’ eportfolios. The night was very enlightening! It was wonderful to see what others have accomplished through their sites. I might steal take, with credit, some ideas from them. (I’m being very vague, but my mind can’t quite process a better way to describe the night. Instead I’ll just let you take a look at the sites yourself.)

You can look at the entries here:

Click here!

At the end of the night, Professor Ugoretz announced the winners from each category and the grand prize winner. All of the eportfolios are fantastic and the competition was tough. Therefore, I am extremely proud and happy to say that I am the winner from the Arts category. I had no idea that I would be in this category. I thought I might have been in the Personal category. But alas, Arts it is, which I am nonetheless happy with since my eportfolio has a focus on the arts anyway. My eportfolio could go either way. Actually, I think I’m happier with my eportfolio being categorized in Arts because it makes me feel like my organization of this site has a somewhat academic focus, particularly in my major department. Actually, when I created this site, I wanted to have a strict focus, but I have too many ambitions to focus on anything. I guess I did it unconsciously. Huzzah! Anyways, back on topic, Professor Ugoretz said that one of the judges commented on how my photos can be seen as art, not just as documentation (which is how I generally use my photos on these posts). I like that!

The grand prize was an iPad. The category prizes were iPod Nano’s in (Macaulay) red with an engraving on the back that reads: “Macaulay Eportfolio Expo ’12.” It is absolutely adorable! I love it. Thank you judges and Macaulay!

To see all the other winners, click here! [Note: this link is the same as the link to the entries. The winners are listed at the bottom of the page.] Congrats to everyone~


Funny side note: the night before the Expo, I actually had a crazy dream in which Daniel Scarpati, of The Utopia of Daniel, beat me and won. And he did! But I also won. So am I half-prophetic?

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