• In Addition to Studying…

    I did tons of other random things. Well, not so random, I suppose. The beginning of the semester started slow for me. I barely had any schoolwork and, therefore, I did not know what do to with my newly-found free time. (Free time?! What is that?) And so, crazy ol’ me signed up for 10,000 …

  • It’s Been A While

    The last time I posted was on October 29, 2011. That was almost three months ago! I apologize for my lack of activity. I took part in a lot of school events in November. And December was my most hectic month of 2011 because of finals~ (and Christmas shopping). In fact, December was also my …

  • I can handle horror movies, but I can’t handle these.

    Halloween is almost here. Although I don’t often celebrate this holiday, I still love the (“positive”) things associated with it. Candy, horror films, costumes, haunted houses, pumpkin loaf cake, and whatnot. It’s all so much FUN! But the point of this post isn’t to tell you what I love about Halloween. Or even to talk …

  • I Confess…

    Let’s waste some more precious sleeping time! (As you might have guessed, I tend to post things late at night, early in the morning because I REALLY want to kill my health.) Today’s topic: Guilty Pleasures! As I wrote on the About Me page, I post things carefully, reflecting on how I want others perceive …