Punk Rock Exhibit

This was perhaps one of the most informative classes we’ve had. At first I thought it was a rather weird assignment to write down places where punk rock artists performed, or were born. I didn’t think that any of those places still existed. This assignment proved to be very interesting and informative. We had to go around the room and really pay attention to the newspaper clippings, photographs, and audio files in order to find the places. After we wrote down the places, we went down to the education center and researched where all the places were. We created a key for the colored pins, where one color represented where the artists performed, another color represented the artist’s birthplace. It became slightly challenging when we ran out of certain color pins. Through researching where the places were, we learned more about those places and the artists. We discovered the pattern of where punk rock was performed. I actually really enjoyed this visit to the museum and learned a lot from it, especially since I knew nothing about punk rock before this