Spring 2016: The Peopling of New York City A Macaulay Honors Seminar taught by Prof. Karen Williams at Brooklyn College

Spring 2016: The Peopling of New York City
Author Archive
Cheburashka- “Your Stories, Our Stories” Extra Credit
Cheburashka- "Your Stories, Our Stories" Extra Credit

Cheburashka is a popular Russian cartoon character that was created by Eduard Uspensky in 1966. When my parents were children, this oddball of a character was one of their major sources of entertainment, which was rather scarce in the Soviet Union. Kids would wait patiently for the cartoon program appearing twice a week and lasting […]

My Roots

Often times, we as people intentionally or inadvertently, forget that who we are is a culmination of our family’s and ancestor’s roots. Each and everyone one has a heritage that is unique.  Whether or not someone chooses to embrace their culture and make it part of their identity, is the decision of that individual. Nonetheless, […]

Be More – Effective Motivational Strategies

The Be More website is dedicated to bringing about change in United States social systems that are known for propagating social inequality. The website provides a plethora of factual examples of discrimination as well as measures to counteract the problem in a way that not only raises awareness, but also inspires action. I admit that, […]

African Burial Ground Field Notes
African Burial Ground Field Notes

The date is Wednesday, March 30th, 2016. Mitch, Robin, Sandy, and I arrived at Brooklyn Bridge-City Hall Station at 11:45 A.M. We had an interesting start to our field trip when I tripped up the stairs leaving the train station. When we finally surfaced to street level, there was a unique blend of smells being […]

Awareness and Motivation to Bring about Change

The systems of white privilege and male privilege are very prevalent features of modern day society in the United States despite many people’s objections. In her paper, “White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack,” Peggy McIntosh identifies how certain groups of people are unaware of inherit privileges that they have due to race or gender. McIntosh […]

Identity Struggle

For many people, race is an important factor that contributes to their identity. It is the right of an individual to recognize themselves as part of a particular race group. That is not to say that any person should randomly choose their identity based on whim. On the contrary, a person’s racial identification is influenced […]

Who is to Blame?

The management of immigration in the United States has been a major topic for discussion since the 19th century. With each wave of immigrants arriving from different countries come complaints on the part of the native citizens. From a young age, we are taught in school that immigrants come to the United States searching for […]

Highline Field Notes
Highline Field Notes

The date is Wednesday, February 10th, 2016. The time is 12:30 PM. The group that I traveled to Chelsea Market with includes Robin, Mitch, and Sandy. We have arrived early because we have a class immediately following normal seminar hours. The weather is a wintery 37 degrees Fahrenheit, with a wind-chill bringing temperatures below freezing. […]