Spring 2016: The Peopling of New York City A Macaulay Honors Seminar taught by Prof. Karen Williams at Brooklyn College

Spring 2016: The Peopling of New York City
African Burial Ground Field Notes
African Burial Ground Field Notes

On Wednesday, Mark, Mitch, Robin, and I went to the African Burial Ground, separately from the rest of the class because of our biology lecture exam at 3:40. We left right after our English class and arrived at the burial ground a bit before noon. My first impressions of the burial ground and the museum […]

Be More

After visiting the Be More website, it was interesting to learn that a movement existed which sought to shed light on and mitigate racial bias. Previously, I believed that it was simply common sense that everyone should be treated on their character and merits rather than the color of their skin. I used to subscribe […]

The African Burial Ground and Reflection
The African Burial Ground and Reflection

On the 30th of March, at approximately 11:45 AM, our small group consisting of Mark Rayev, Mitch Vutrapongvatana, Sandy Mui, and myself found ourselves at the doors of the African Burial Ground Memorial Museum. The weather was surprisingly pleasant: temperatures fluctuated between 50 and 56 degrees, wind chill was little more than a gentle breeze, […]

My Implicit Bias

What seemed like a long time ago, I took a quiz put on by Harvard that tests if you associate African Americans with violence. It showed you weapons, and ordinary objects, as well as White and Black individuals. Your results were based on your reaction time sorting the two categories to either side. I was […]

Being More

The site, Be More, describes a very relevant issue in today’s societies: implicit biases. The site reads, “Implicit biases are ingrained habits of thought…are outside of awareness but their implications are clear to those affected by them.” Reading about implicit biases, I realize I experience it all the time, not consciously but subconsciously making assumption […]

Be More: Children are Not Colorblind

Exploring the website Be More was a great experience as it was a departure from the normal 60-70 page readings due every week. Frankly, I enjoyed it much more than the usual readings since the website was interactive and easier to understand. The readings are cool too, but I liked the idea of exploring a […]

Be More – Effective Motivational Strategies

The Be More website is dedicated to bringing about change in United States social systems that are known for propagating social inequality. The website provides a plethora of factual examples of discrimination as well as measures to counteract the problem in a way that not only raises awareness, but also inspires action. I admit that, […]

Analysis of BeMore’s website

Daniel Cohen Discussion Blog Post #3 Browsing the BeMore website, I immediately admired their purpose, which seems to be to eliminate the social construct of race. However, the key claim of their “Vision2040” campaign trailer, that there won’t be a racial majority by 2040, seems a bit odd. I find that human attempts to predict […]

African Burial Ground Field Notes
African Burial Ground Field Notes

The date is Wednesday, March 30th, 2016. Mitch, Robin, Sandy, and I arrived at Brooklyn Bridge-City Hall Station at 11:45 A.M. We had an interesting start to our field trip when I tripped up the stairs leaving the train station. When we finally surfaced to street level, there was a unique blend of smells being […]

Sign up for ITF Tech Day appointments, April 20, 12:30-3:30 pm

What: ITF Tech Day Check-in Where: Honors Lounge, 2nd floor of Boylan Hall When: 12:30-3:30 PM on Wednesday, April 20 How to sign up: one group member schedules the appointment at this Doodle appointment event scheduler: Seminar 2 – ITF Tech Day Check-in Appointments are 30 minutes long and filled on a first come, first served basis. […]