Monthly Archives: November 2012

It’s Party Time!

It’s Party Time!

ZEH CITY is in uber, dire, mucho need of a new title. Think creative, think zany, think innovative, and think visionary. Introducing ZEH’s first contest! Think …


“Running is the greatest metaphor for life, because you get out of it what you put into it.” -Oprah

“Running is the greatest metaphor for life, because you get out of it what you put into it.” -Oprah

After much sifting through the Itunes top 100 list, pressing next on my Pandora playlists, and seeking stations on the radio, here is Running Playlist …


Cyber Monday

Cyber Monday

Who knew that Black Friday continued passed the weekend? Well, I for one am now googly eyed when it comes to Cyber Monday-here’s a list …


Innovative. Ingenuous. In Vogue. Iris

Innovative. Ingenuous. In Vogue. Iris

“Sometimes people are beautiful. Not in looks. Not in what they say. Just in what they are.”-Markus Zusak Iris Apfel exemplifies beauty not only through her eclectic style, eloquent …


Crazy. Clever. Creative.

Crazy. Clever. Creative.

Complex (adj.)-Consisting of interconnected or interwoven parts; composite. This past Thursday night, I ventured to Chelsea with my ever so brilliant “Arts in New York City” …


POP goes the Pizza!

POP goes the Pizza!

Latest Hoffman Family obsession-this perfect pizza recipe, oozing with cheese, drenched in tomato sauce, and sprinkled with pizza spice a la Machane Yehuda spice guy. Happy …


Modern. Magnificent. Monika

Modern. Magnificent. Monika

While glancing at my spam folder, I casually and carelessly came across this email from the Public Art Fund describing their latest exhibit. After viewing …


Game On

Game On

Ever wonder what the difference between a laugh and a giggle is, or what constitutes a chuckle or a crack up? What makes us burst …


“The Mind is not a Vessel to be Filled but a Fire to be Kindled.”-Plutarch

“The Mind is not a Vessel to be Filled but a Fire to be Kindled.”-Plutarch

After sitting and standing, maneuvering and moving in the dark for the last week, candles have became a new-found love of mine. The shapes and …


Horizontal and Vertical Success

Horizontal and Vertical Success

Over these last few Sandy and Stormy, dreary and dizzying days, I’ve been left with plenty to contemplate. Thoughts in my mind were scattered and …




East Village, West Village, Chelsea, Clinton. Nolita, Noho, Soho, and now SOPO. Sopo-South of power, is the most up and coming town in NYC these …


“No Matter How Dark the Moment, Love and Hope are Always Possible.”-Chakiris

“No Matter How Dark the Moment, Love and Hope are Always Possible.”-Chakiris

Sand. How can something so delicate and light turn so disastrous and deathly? Water. This too, how can it be life sustaining yet life threatening …